The Upper Room Discourse is the title given to a block of Jesus teaching found only in the Gospel of John. The disciples met in the upper room after the ascension but ten days elapsed between the ascension and the events described in Acts 2. Upper Room Jeff S Jottings 13 When they had entered the city they went upstairs to the upper room where they were staying indefinitely. . And for ten days this company were gathered in the place of united prayer until the heavens were opened and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit Acts 24. ANSWER I dont believe the disciples stayed in the upper room 247. It says in Acts 113-16 that the disciples were present in the upper room v. This took place on the Day of Pentecost. What Happened in the Upper Room When Jesus Told His Disciples to Receive the Holy Spirit. He said Peace be with you 20 After he said this he showed them his hands and his side. John 2021 22 Baptism...